2024 Flower Garden

Hey all & welcome back to my garden journal!

I set a budget & I’ve got an idea of what I want to do for next years vegetable garden. But something that Jess from Roots & Refuge said a while back, “Grow something lovely.” is living on repeat in my brain. As exciting as the vegetables and harvesting my own food was, it was seeing the colour come into the garden every day that really enticed me back to it and I think I’d love to continue that trend. So I put together my wishlist for the 2024 growing season.

Last year I discovered that I actually love Zinnias. I didn’t expect to honestly, I thought they were just a cheap, daisy like flower but oh my gosh, the COLOUR they bring to the garden, even while they’re being attacked and eaten by swarms of June Bugs is amazing. Other additions to the garden will be:

I really had to narrow down my original list to try and keep it under $100, and I went a smidge over but I think the texture & colour pallet is really going to work well this year! I want to romanticize the heck out of my garden this summer and feel like I’m walking through the secret garden. Ultimately I might even try selling a few bouquets this summer, just to say that I broke even and the flowers ‘didn’t cost me anything’.

I cannot wait to start growing something truly beautiful this summer & to be able to share it with all of you! Always keep growing,
-Anna R.


Vision Board & Showing up for Yourself


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